Helping organizations of all sizes, in a Private Equity portfolio or publicly traded, minimize bias in their pricing strategy.
Private Equity
Pricing analytics can help private equity firms maximize the growth potential of their portfolio companies, both short term (tactical pricing) and long term (analytics for strategy).
- Price Elasticity Modeling
- Price Performance Assessment
- Pricing Segmentation
- Price and Promo Optimization
- Price Dispersion

The industry as a whole has adopted value-based pricing and price optimization. Today, restaurants need advanced pricing analytics to support these strategies at two levels: price increases (menu price setting) and promotions.
- Price Elasticity Modeling
- Price Performance Assessment
- Price and Promo Optimization
- Promo Effectiveness
Ecommerce & Retail
In the highly competitive retail and ecommerce industry, companies that effectively utilize pricing analytics to direct their promo and pricing strategies stay ahead.
- Price Elasticity Modeling
- Price Performance Assessment
- Dynamic Pricing
- Price and Promo Optimization
- Promo Effectiveness

B2B Manufacturers and Distributors
Pricing analytics for tactical decisions helps B2B organizations find short-term opportunities. While, longer term, pricing analytics helps the transition from manual, cost-plus pricing, to a more proactive and value-based pricing strategy.
- Price Dispersion
- Price Performance Assessment
- Pricing Segmentation
- Leakage Analysis
Our clients make confident pricing decisions.

Featured Products
Below are some of the products we’ve helped price over the years.